Live longer in spain

According to a new study from the "University of Washington" in Seattle, Spain is expected to go about Japan 2040 as the nation with the longest lifespan!

The good health of the Spaniards reflects some natural benefits, including a mild climate. Another reason for the long life is also believed to be due to the healthy Mediterranean diet. But the record-long life is also a testimony to a strong welfare policy and social cohesion, which means that older people benefit not only from good general health care but also from family and community support.

Top 10 expected life expectancy 2040 (2016 in parentheses):

1. Spain 85.8 years (82.9)
2. Japan 85.7 years (83.7)
3. Singapore 85.4 years (83.3)
4. Switzerland 85.2 years (83.3)
5. Portugal 84.5 years (81.0)
6. Italy 84.5 years (82.3)
7. Israel 84.4 years (82.1)
8. France 84.3 years (82.3)
9. Luxembourg 84.1 years (82.2)
10. Australia 84.1 years (82.5)

Sweden comes in place 11, with an expected lifespan of 84 years.USA comes first in 64th place.

In contrast to, for example, the United States where the issue of general health care is still disputed, Spain is one of the western countries that have long had a general health care. The system offers anyone enrolled in the Spanish healthcare system access to both emergency care and primary care without any patient fees.

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